Frisky Friday: 9.22.23
Introducing a new segment of Safe For Work! Frisky Fridays is for shorter, offbeat posts in addition to regular ✨thought leadership✨ Wednesdays.
For the last few years, Twitter has been a hugely important creative outlet for me. But I’ve largely quit, as contributing to the current state of the platform is not something I’m ethically comfortable with. I’m in mourning 💀
Still! Today, I’m celebrating the filing of the official trademark @jenistyping™. Thanks to my friend (and marketing genius) Camille who convinced me that what I have built is incredibly valuable and the potential to build more on it 😄
In that spirit, enjoy some throwback posts (also capturing these for posterity! Who knows when Twitter will finally go down for good!):
Lastly, here’s a re-post of my Linkedin post from this week :)
I celebrated a big anniversary recently…The Big 25! 🥂
It’s been 25 years since I immigrated to the US from Korea. I was in elementary school, not speaking a lick of English. My family had zero community/social connections, and everything about the transition was hard.
I remember how we struggled with simple things like locating grocery stores in the area (this was pre-smartphones or Google Maps). Like the oldest child of many immigrant families, I had to figure out college applications and financial aid paperwork on my own (“FAFSA” is a trigger word). We ended up moving several more times within the US, so it was hard for me to make and keep friends, and I struggled from the lack of stability. It was a pretty difficult childhood.
But I still celebrate the anniversary. The path my life has taken was completely unimaginable to my childhood self back in Korea. Every woman I knew was a “homemaker” so I assumed I would be one too. It’s also a country that’s famously tough on kids, and I don’t know if my sensitive, creativite nature would have survived such a grueling education system and conformist culture.
I had to make a lot of sacrifices along the way, but ultimately, I’ve built a life getting to do exactly what I want to be doing, having an impact in a space that I care a lot about. If my childhood self could see me now, she’d be in complete disbelief but proud of me. Of us.
There’s a saying that goes, “You are your ancestors’ wildest dreams.” And every anniversary, I get to remember that – and feel more grateful for the opportunities I’ve had, and even more focused on my next set of goals.
Have a great weekend! Go touch grass!
- Jen